ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Orange County Snark and Highlights for 1/5/2022

ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Orange County Snark and Highlights for 1/5/2022

ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Orange County Snark and Highlights for 1/5/2022

  • It’s not a threat, it is a promise seems to be a theme with the Real Housewives.
  • A pinky swear? REALLY? Are these women five?
  • Shannon looks like she is trying really hard not to laugh during her apology to Terry.
  • The food at Shane’s party looks so incredible.
  • It is a big cup kind of night is such a MOOD.
  • I like Noella, but I don’t see how Jen is all that bad? I can see why Noella wouldn’t like being tagged in a photo, but 1. it wasn’t even a photo of her and 2. it could have been an error. Noella could have just texted her and talked to her about it instead of reporting it to Instagram.
  • How is Jen being thirsty? She is promoting her business on her page like ANYONE WITH A BUSINESS WOULD DO!
  • I don’t understand the lemon thing either.
  • Ew, did Shannon pick up a piece of food with her bare hands and then put it back on the serving plate? First of all, GROSS….secondly, this is a pandemic!
  • Heather talking about an event that Shannon is not invited to IN FRONT OF SHANNON is just plain rude.
  • I find it hard to believe that these girls never heard of Dean Martin, The Rat Pack or Frank Sinatra.
  • My future dream house needs a waterfall.
  • Anyone who comes to my house with a suitcase full of cheese is okay in my book.
  • I think Noella whispering is her way of trying to calm herself down.
  • Divorce papers with flowers? That is CRUEL AF.
  • Gina is being a good friend to Noella’s face, but I hope she isn’t going to blab everything to Jen.
See also  ICYMI: Young Sheldon Recap for A Virus, Heartbreak and a World of Possibilities

More next week, stay tuned.


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