VIC VEGA Clothing brand is a designer clothing brand coming out of Memphis,TN. The brands purpose is to motivate and inspire anyone that has a dream or a goal. VIC VEGA was created by Victor Ivan Jimenez Vega. Victor Ivan and his mother migrated to the United States when he was around 4 years old, He will never forget crossing the Memphis bridge and seeing all those city lights. Growing up Victor Ivan and his mother were helped a lot with making adjustments and adapting to the American culture. During 2019, right before the pandemic Victor Ivan committed to working on and starting his business as an entrepreneur and then VIC VEGA VV was created on December 29, 2019. In the past two years. he spent a lot of time isolated and creating, networking, marketing, and expanding the brand. He believes his that by having great ideas and working hard he could get his brand to consistently grow and he did just that. In the years of 2020-2021, he has given out over 400+ shirts to the city of Memphis has been featured on ABC24 news https://youtu.be/MhTbEBt4rsY he has also done a nonprofit event with the Memphis Grizzles. Victor Ivan’s vision as an entrepreneur is to break narrative and become one that his city can look up to when it comes to entrepreneurship, also being fluently bilingual in both English and Spanish he hopes to help out both communities in his city in the near future. Memphis is a blue collar city that grit n grinds and VIC VEGA VV embodies those traits to the fullest! We are very excited for the year of 2022 and believe that if we continue working hard and dreaming big that there is no limit to how high we can go!
What does it take to launch a successful Clothing company?
It takes a lot of passion, creativity, networking, marketing and drive to launch a successful company, Even if you might lack capital and funds to start up a business, don’t allow that to slow you down or stop the process. I believe planning all the way through is very critical, taking it day by day and reminding yourself that you are closer than you were yesterday. You have to see the vision and believe it even if nobody else can see or believe it.
What sets VIC VEGA apart?
The name and meaning behind it, the backstory of it and the designs and the way it represents the Memphis culture of Grit-N-Grind. The brand really started from scratch and with the work ethic and drive that I embodied through the support and help from family, friends, and the city it is truly based on a true story, The American Dream.
Tell us about your styles.
Well, the style is very diverse as it can really fit any style honestly, we can go from street wear to luxury to just about any look, but to us it’s not about the style or the look its more about the meaning and story behind the name VIC VEGA. Vic being short for Victor- one that accepts challenges and comes out victorious. Vega- identifies as a star in the universe. This correlates to if you work hard and accept the challenges life throws at you that you can come out victorious and also shine like the star you are!
How has your brand inspired others?
The way it has grown throughout the city and in our youth, It inspires them to believe in themselves. Memphis has a lot of talent and culture throughout our youth, I want to be an example of that so one day we will have other successful entrepreneurs to come out of Memphis.
Who would you like to collaborate with?
I would love to one day get a chance to work with athletes hopefully the hometown Memphis Grizzlies they are a great representation of a young small market team doing amazing things in the NBA, a true underdog story in the league and i find that very inspiring to keep working! I hope to also be mentored and collaborate with other successful entrepreneurs, celebrities, and designers like Daymond John, Mark Cuban, and Elon Musk. My dream is to work with global designers. I wish that I could’ve met and worked with Virgil Abloh he was a big inspiration as well. REST IN PEACE VIRGIL.
Tell us about your new collection.
I’m very excited about our new collection, it’s going to be expanded and featured outside of Memphis! Our new designs will be very creative. I’m pouring all my passion into this new collection; I want to shock the world.
Share your vision for VIC VEGA in 2022.
I’m looking to expand and grow the brand in 2022, Maybe even relocate as an entrepreneur. I’m always looking to learn and grow as a person, accepting new challenges to get out of my comfort zone is an addiction. I’ve been in talks with some great mentors and friends throughout Los Angeles and for the next chapter for VV I could see us going Hollywood. It’s on my vision board for 2022 and we will continue to work until we get there!
Shop here! Brands IG: Vicvegavv_official
VIC VEGA is launching their new site stay tuned!
Personal: Vic007___