The Real Housewives of Miami Season 4 Premiere Snark and Highlights

The Real Housewives of Miami Season 4 Premiere Snark and Highlights

The Real Housewives of Miami Season 4 Premiere Snark and Highlights

  • We are going to look like a maxi pad driving down the highway. Ew, who the heck says that?
  • I never wear bloomers. Very TMI there!
  • Those cocktails look amazing.
  • I am glad a lot of the OG Housewives are back on the show.
  • Marysol finally met her true love and I am so happy for her. It is sweet that she thinks he was sent to her from her parents in heaven.
  • Larsa talking about her divorce is so heartbreaking. It seems like she is more hurt than she is letting on….now, I didn’t follow her breakup when it was on the news, so I am just going by what I see here.
  • Wait, Larsa makes $10,000 on OnlyFans? I am so in the wrong business. (I am joking, but wow to making that much money a day!)
  • It looks like the third time is the charm for Alexia, but I hope all the drama between Peter and Todd is solved before the wedding.
  • Hearing about Alexia’s hardships through the years makes me so sad, but I am happy that things seem to be working out in her favor.
  • Larsa’s net-like coverup looks uncomfortable AF, but somehow, she pulls it off.
  • This pool party is wild!
  • Adriana flashing her boobs to show off they are DDDs is so…..random, but certainly not surprising. (Not shaming her in any way, it is not surprising because she seems to be the type that is confident enough to share something so intimate with her girlfriends.)
  • Instagram is PG-13….good to know.
  • Are these women seriously debating about social media content? Again, not at all surprising.
  • I can’t believe they are shaming Larsa for having an OnlyFans page. It is certainly not something I would do, (too shy, too fat and just not me!) but if she wants to do it, then more power to her. I am with Lisa….maybe she can teach people a thing or two on how to make that much money a day.
  • Are they really talking about milking a cow with their mouths? Again, WTF?
  • I have to admit, the matching sweatsuits is pretty cute.
  • Julia seems like the most relatable, while Kiki and Guerdy seem like they are going to be fun on the show!
  • Nicole’s son is so cute and I love how she is representing independent women everywhere.
  • I also agree with Nicole on her stance about marriage. Why fix what isn’t broken, so to speak?
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More next time, stay tuned!

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