killer relationship with faith jenkins sneak peek

Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins Sneak Peek

Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins Sneak Peek

Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins” investigates burgeoning romances from their sweet beginnings, and follows what happened all the way through to their bitter endings. With her background as a criminal prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, and with her expertise in matters of the heart, Faith Jenkins gives her professional POV of the nightmarish cases.  With first-hand accounts from victims’ family, friends and law enforcement, each hour-long episode reveals the inner workings of intimate attachments that seemed fated to last forever and ended in murder.

Cases covered in this eight-episode season include:

Unholy Terror – A twisted secret must be hidden at all costs.  To prevent its exposure, a seemingly solid marriage between two deeply religious people is ruined.  However, something even more precious is destroyed.  Two lives are lost forever in the cold-blooded and desperate killings of a beautiful mother and daughter.

Monster-In-Law  – Two young people are set up by their parents, leading quickly to love and marriage. Their happy union is horrifically shattered when one deranged mother-in-law orders the killing of the beautiful young bride in broad daylight.

If I Can’t Have You… – When a charismatic young woman meets a dynamic and handsome man at an Orlando nightclub, it seems like a perfect match.  The blossoming relationship draws to a sharp close when a secret marriage and a lover who just can’t let go spells doom for the two innocent victims.

Forbidden Love, Brutal Death –  Two unlikely lovers form a secret bond held together by faith.  Over time, their polygamous marriage festers terribly.  The circumstances lead a manipulative and deceitful charlatan to kill the woman he once loved, a beautiful young mother of two sons.

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