PSYCH 3: THIS IS GUS -- Pictured: (l-r) Timothy Omundson as Carlton, Corbin Bernsen as Henry -- (Photo by: James Dittiger/Peacock)
Psych 3: This Is Gus Highlights
- Buzz looks hot AF and looks like such a badass bringing the perp to the station in handcuffs.
- Lassiter is back and better than ever. He is kicking butt and taking names with this press conference…even though Shawn and Gus are telling him what to say.
- Of course Shawn and Gus would ruin his big moment over food and telling people to suck it.
- Flame suck it is my new favorite insult.
- His big moment is saved by him nailing the real perp….or did he?
- The guys bonding and helping each other is so sweet. I always knew Lassie could count on our dynamic duo.
- You’re ready to fly! Like an eagle or a shark!
- Lassie’s daughter is played by the actress who plays Karen in the BSC series on Netflix.
- Lily is adorable and so Lassie’s kid. I love how she calls Gus Magic Head.
- I am obsessed with Henry’s boat house.
- What’s the point of having a memory if you can’t choose what to remember? This is America! #Truth
- The dynamic duo is drifting? Say it ain’t so!
- It would have been funny if there had been a wooden doll in the background/
- All those desserts at the cake tasting look incredible.
- The wedding prep is so Shawn and Gus…especially when Shawn isn’t wearing pants.
- Jules has not changed a bit since day one.
- I think it’s sweet Jules thinks of Selene as her family.
- I am glad they had Jules decide not to have kids. Not everyone wants kids and it should be normalized.
- I love how Karen basically lets Shawn do what he wants to help Gus.
- Gilmore. As in girls. Can you spell that?
- Don’t be a Karen, Karen. Haven’t you heard of being fashionably late?–Woody.
- What the hell did Woody do?
- You can’t just decide you’re an attorney!
- Wait. Woody passed the bar?
- So, he is on trial for the impersonation of the doctor but saying he is undercover to get himself out of trouble, per Karen’s advice.
- Poor Karen’s vacation is ruined.
- We will never see her husband, will we?
- I hope she isn’t getting divorced.
- Have you ever played what’s your social security number? This reminds me of the identity theft episode!
- I can’t believe Shawn stole Selene’s purse to find out her real identity….and ruined her pretty lipstick.
- This purse fight has me falling over laughing, especially with Shawn on the ceiling trying to escape.
- The food specials sound weird, but oddly delicious. I love that there is a shout out to the Quatro Quesos dos Fritos.
- My jackal switch is never broken.
- ‘Warning Guster calling’ is the best ringtone ever.
- Kurt Smith is making an appearance! And he is being snarky to Gus…..epic!
- I would love it if Wham! came back together. Removing the exclamation point makes it a different band, so Kurt won’t have to worry about being sued.
- A Psych car chase is always a winning moment.
- Wait, so Selene is hiding her real identity?
- The Peacock and USA Network shout outs were pretty clever.
- A wedding fire eater would be a great addition to any reception.
- Megan Markle even got a shout out! I wonder how she feels about it?
- Yassss undercover Shawn and Gus. These disguises are amazing….and apparently believable if the building manager didn’t recognize them from their initial visit.
- Please tell me there is no zombie apocalypse—Karen with a sword while going through the woods. She looked even more badass than ever.
- That dummy is freaking me out.
- The realtor is spilling all the tea on Selene and her ex-husband with zero effs given of the consequences.
- Adding the message from her mom was a sweet touch.
- Henry is going to help the guys, but of course he ends up fighting with Shawn.
- It was actually sweet that Henry is making the crib. However, did he not see Jules and realize she was NOT pregnant?
- Seeing this real, raw moment with Karen realizing she missed so much with her family is such a tearjerking moment.
- Can we eat first? is such a MOOD….and something I would totally ask.
- Gus being badass is so sexy.
- He broke up with me on a post it note! A Sex and the City reference in Psych is great!
- So they got caught up in shady stuff and went on the run. Not what I expected, but makes sense.
- The women are going all Charlie’s Angels and I am here for it.
- It is sweet how Henry is helping Lassiter become himself again. Lily bringing him a beer was icing on the cake.
- My heart breaks for Selene’s husband Decker. It seems like he is still in love with her.
- You should stay. But you have to watch us eat. Lily is such a little firecracker.
- I wish Marlowe were in the movie, but I am glad that she is mentioned and still in love with Lassie.
- Henry giving Lassie fatherly advice and talking about making up for lost time is adorable
- Lily is such a mini Shawn and such a daddy’s girl.
- How fast can you drive? As fast as we want. Karen is a badass when she goes rouge.
- They are here, all together and about to do something stupid. Selene has their number for sure.
- No self respecting ninja will hold a gun!
- May he rest….eh….
- Whoa! Decker is the bad guy!
- He wasn’t ordained! His name is Nipsey! That line made me laugh way more that it should have.
- My name is Selene. Now and forevermore. Just not legally, yet.
- Her real name is Kareem. I did not expect that, but I am digging the name.
- I am glad she is letting him go before he makes things worse for himself. If only he had listened.
- The gender reveal gift knocked him out.
- It’s a boy!
- What a time for Selene to go into labor
- This is the most dramatic labor scene since Marlowe’s, especially with them pushing Selene on the dolley.
- My water broke three hours ago. I didn’t want them to think I was weak or be left behind.
- Father Westley! I did not expect an appearance from him, but I am loving it.
- It’s fine, it is for God’s eyes!
- A Zoom wedding is legal as far as Father Westley knows, so that makes it okay!
- Where did he get these laptops? Were they just laying around?
- The exorcism mixed with a wedding is something that would only happen to Gus.
- Kurt did the wedding after all. Gus got his wish.
- This is your dream wedding? Yeah, I am with Shawn, no one would want a wedding with an impeding birth, a priest randomly performing an exorcism and a snarky eighties pop star.
- Shawn delivering the baby during the wedding At First Sight style is one for the books.
- On the upside, the baby will be relatively demon free….oh, Father Westley!
- Push is the only birthing instruction I know! Same, Shawn, Same.
- Why is he throwing holy water at his laptop screen? The ladies are so confused.
- Kurt is going to do his own project Whaham.
- Ok, this tops Marlowe giving birth. Doors being broken down, confused priests, a best friend who can’t look down, bad guys on the run….there is no way to top this.
- Come on sonnnnnn!!!
- With the power vested in me in the state of California and the good people at State Farm insurance, don’t ask, I pronounce you husband and wife.
- I want to know why State Farm is involved.
- Avert your eyes, Shawn!
- Kurt faints! Of course he does. However, at least it was on the bed.
- Decker escaped, but no one cares because the baby is here.
- Yay, they are godparents!
- Jules tossed Gus away to hold her baby godson would be so me.
- Wom UL is now Kurt’s new project and I am here for it! This needs to be a real thing.
- This video is so perfect.
- I guess Woody’s fate is an unsolved mystery.
- Whoa Decker is a stalker now? At least it leaves it open for another movie…although we still need to know what happened with Jules’s brother after movie one!
I LOVED this movie! Here’s to movie four!
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