In Pursuit With John Walsh Recap: William Ray Plemons and Darryl Eugene Walker
Case One: Ermelinda Macatangay/William Ray Plemons
Ermelinda Macatangay was a successful medical researcher who was active in the church and loved by those around her.
However on June 24, 2003, everything came to a tragic end. A man calling himself Ray called into her job, claiming to be her husband. He said her father was ill and she was going to California to take care of him.
After a week, her coworkers became concerned and called Ermelinda’s sister, who told them their father was fine and Ermelinda wasn’t there. She also had never heard of Ray.
At this point, her coworkers became concerned that something happened to her.
The Discovery
On July 16, a welfare check took place at Ermelinda’s house. At first, everything seemed fine from the outside. However, when they got inside, they were overwhelmed by a smell…..and discovered Ermelinda’s dead, decomposing body.
Everyone was in a state of shock when they received the news of her death. Nobody could figure out who would kill her or why….nor could they figure out Ray’s identity. Ermelinda tended to keep her personal life private, so nobody at work knew if he was really her husband.
Ray’s Identity
Pretty soon, it is discovered that ‘Ray’ is her prison pen pal William Ray Plemons. It turned out that they were actually married in 1988 and she had fallen prey to a scam. He had been using her for her money and once she discovered the truth, she kicked him out of the house.
Not too long after, Ray ended up back in prison, all the while continuing to pursue Ermelinda. When he was released from prison in 2003, the two remarried.
Authorities began to question neighbors, who positively identified Ray as the man with Ermelinda. He had also been seen as the only one going in and out of the house during the last few weeks. This convinced authorities he was indeed involved in her death.
It is discovered Ray has a long rap sheet that included armed robbery and kidnapping. When he was incarcerated in Texas and released, he met up with a SECOND wife and headed to NYC. She also met him through the prison pen pal program. He initially married her for money and left her when she didn’t have the money he wanted.
The Reunion and Murder
At this point, he decided to go back to Ermelinda. When they got back together, the same behavior from before began occurring, only this time, it possibly led to her death.
Prior to her death, her friends became concerned about her spending habits. She used to be frugal, but was suddenly spending a lot more money. Credit card companies also alerted her to unusual charges, which included a car rental place.
A woman named Leza was named at the car place. She claims she was hired by Ray to be his driver and one day, he confessed to murdering his wife. At this point, she knew she had to get out.
Ray’s car was last seen in Florida eighteen years ago. Ermelinda had property down there and it is said that he tried getting in touch with a realtor, but never followed up.
He was last seen in person July 5, 2003.
William Ray Plemons is very meticulous with his appearance and may use an alias. He is considered armed and dangerous.
15 Seconds of Shame 1:
Mallie Monte Evans and Elizabeth Sanchez are wanted for a sex trafficking ring, holding women against their will and force them into prostitution.
Missing Child 1:
Maria Vasquez was last seen on July 7, 2017 in Frederick, Maryland. She was fourteen at the time of her disappearance and would now be eighteen.
Case 2: Monique Johnson/Darryl Eugene Walker
On July 20, 2018, a fire broke out at a home in Augusta, Georgia, killing 51 year old Monique Johnson. At first, this was considered to be a tragic accident, but it soon was a lot worse.
Callahan Walsh begins to investigate, questioning authorities in the case. He discovers that when she was found, there were gunshot wounds in her back, making this a homicide investigation.
The sheriff tells Cal that witnesses claimed to see Monique’s car speeding away after they heard a loud pow. The driver was identified as a man named Darryl Eugene Walker, who was possibly in a relationship with Monique.
A Disturbing Discovery
Monique’s sister Michelle shares pictures and memories of her, as well as the aftermath of her murder. She says that once she found out Darryl’s identity, she did some research and discovered he had been in jail for 16.5 years.
Michelle tells Cal that Monique met Darryl in a laundromat and began dating. Although she never met him in person, they spoke on the phone and he seemed very nice. They were supposed to meet in person at a family event, but he never showed.
She then shares that Monique revealed that Darryl lied to her about a lot of things, including an ankle monitor. It was at this point that Monique decided to leave and that Michelle began discovering that Darryl had a dark, disturbing past.
Authorities Talk
Cal also talks to Natalie Paine, who was working on the case since the beginning. She says Darryl had been arrested several times for assault, rape and various other charges. He had gotten life for the rape and 16 for other charges, but was released on parole.
Natalie also said that they were able to place him at the scene of the crime, thanks to his bag being found at the house and a fast food receipt with his name on it in the garbage.
She goes on to say that the ankle monitor was initially helpful in tracking him….until he cut it off and went on the run. She says he is a very armed and dangerous man.
Authorities discovered his abandoned car filled with his belongings in Raleigh shortly after his disappearance. He was seen on surveillance cameras there, but has not been seen since July 21, just one and a half days after the murder.
Darryl’s outgoing personality makes it easy to link with people and allows him to gain their trust, so at this point he can be with anyone and anywhere.
He is 5’7″, has graying hair and is blind in one eye.
His head is described to be large like a bobblehead’s and he takes medicine for depression seizures.
He may be working odd jobs where he can get paid under the table.
15 Seconds of Shame 2:
Jesus Rafael Martinez is a teacher in Odessa, Texas and wanted for sexually assaulting one of his students. He might be in the El Paso area.
Missing Child 2:
Katelin Akens was last seen December 5, 2015 when her stepfather James Branton was to drive her to the Reagan Washington Airport. She never made her flight.
Two days later, her belongings were found in a ditch. James is not cooperating with police or authorities on this case. Katelin was nineteen at the time of her disappearance.