Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/23/2021: Who Is In The Final Three?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/23/2021: Who Is In The Final Three?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/23/2021: Who Is In The Final Three?

Tonight is the final live eviction before next week’s finale. Azah and Kyland are on the block and waiting to see if Xavier will use the Power of Veto to save one of them and put Big D on the block.


The entire house seems so stressed out, especially Azah and Big D. They both share their feelings about what they think will and should happen, all the while predicting the biggest blindside of the summer.


Jury time! The jurors discuss who they think will be joining them next. Tiffany joins them and they all discuss what is going on in the house and who they think will be joining them next.


Everyone is also amazed by the master plan created by Tiffany and say it is going to make this season legendary. They are also very receptive to her game play explanations and make it seem as if there are no hard feelings.


Things get even more exciting when Hannah enters the jury house. The gang is so happy to see her and sit down to watch what happened leading up to her eviction.


Xavier decides NOT to use the POV, so it is time for Big D to decide who will go to the jury just shy of the finale.


Big D decides to evict Kyland, which means Azah, Big D and Xavier are all in the final three. It is safe to say that Kyland is NOT happy with this turn of events.

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Kyland goes to talk to Julie and reflects on the events that just happened and his time on the show. He is not surprised that he was evicted, but is proud of how he played the game.


Julie Chen Moonves announces that it is now time to start voting for America’s Favorite  Houseguest, who will win $50,000.


More tomorrow, stay tuned!

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