Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/15/2021: Did The Nominations Change?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/15/2021: Did The Nominations Change?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 9/15/2021: Did The Nominations Change?

Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 picks up where we left off at the nomination ceremony. Hannah and Tiffany are on the block and neither of them are happy about it.


Kyland says Tiffany is the actual target because she cannot be trusted. Tiffany herself feels betrayed because she thought there was a final three deal between them.


Hannah asks him what is going on, and he tells her he wants to get rid of Tiffany so she cannot move forward with Xavier.


Hannah realizes there is another alliance with the guys and later on warns Azah of her thoughts. This makes Azah confused as to whom she wants to work with going forward.


Oh, and Big D is thrilled Tiffany is on the block.


Xavier is glad Kyland is doing her dirty work by getting rid of Tiffany.


POV time! Big D and Azah are worried as to what will happen if they don’t win. The competition is BB Comics, where they have to zipline past a window and play a game of memory based on what they see.


Big D does well and thinks he has a chance of winning, but in the end, it is Kyland who wins POV.


Both girls talk to him to try to save themselves. He considers taking Hannah off and putting Big D up as a pawn, but Xavier tells him this is a bad idea.

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Big D, for his part, worries that people might start thinking he is a beast due to coming close to winning the last two competitions.


Kyland decides to keep the nominations the same, which means either Tiffany or Hannah will go to jury tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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