The Real Housewives of Potomac Recap for 8/1/2021
Tonight’s episode of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Potomac is the night we have been waiting for…Ashley goes into labor! Before we get to that, here are some of the other episode highlights:
- Gizelle meets with her team to get ready for her podcast photoshoot with Robyn. She is very excited, but annoyed that Robyn was over half an hour late.
- She also talks about how things with Jamal are going ‘day by day’ due to the pandemic and that Grace is getting ready to finally get her learner’s permit.
- The ladies tell Kal and Damon about the drama with Wendy and Mia. Kal is shocked that anyone would call someone like Wendy simple minded….’with 18 degrees!’
- Robyn and Gizelle decide to meet Mia for drinks (without Karen) in order to get to know her better.
- Ashley and Michael go out for dinner–while being prepared for the hospital in case she goes into labor.
- Michael wants to produce movies, but Ashley wants him to be careful because it is a risky move. He insists that he knows what he is doing.
- Karen talks to her daughter Rayvin and tells her about becoming ambassador of Surrey County.
- As they talk, Karen burns dinner, but says ‘your daddy loves burned food.’
- Mia is at work when her son calls. She asks Gordon to take Josh to practice, but he says she is letting him down because he misses their one on one time.
- Robyn is working out with Askae and Wendy when Candiace calls with news that she is moving out of her house. She invites them to a peace out house party pajama jam.
- There is a lot of snark about Mia…because of course there is.
- Karen and Mia meet for brunch to talk about Ashley’s pamper party…which leads to the women talking about the drink invite. Mia had told them she will only meet them if they want to discuss business. This, of course, did not go over well.
- Mia says she doesn’t like that the ladies were telling her who to bring, so she decided to decline their offer. The ladies were upset and thought this was rude, while Karen seemed to understand.
- Candiace works on recording her music, but seems to be lacking energy. She finally gets it together and is excited to get her album out…and respect from the greats.
- Grace fails her permit test and is very upset. Gizelle wants to be emotionally available, but knows this is not her forte.
- Candiace gets ready for her party and greets her guests with shots of Fireball.
- Robyn talks about how her wedding is postponed due to the pandemic. Karen doesn’t understand this, but says to each their own.
- Candiace said she ‘forgot’ to invite Ashley, but the ladies think it was a deliberate snub.
- More Mia trash talk….they decide they will only be nice if she is nice, but would prefer she not show up at all.
- However, she does show up….and Karen tells her that BOTH parties were wrong in TextGate.
- Cue argument!
- Candiace puts an end to it by having them play games…..and Gizelle and Mia come to a truce.
- During ‘never have I ever,’ we hear more about Mia’s hooha surgery and how she once had a threesome…just to watch her man with another woman.
- Ashley is crying over her changing family and heads to the hospital to have her baby!
Sammi’s Thoughts:
- Karen is right, both parties were wrong about TextGate.
- I want to eat at Pamplona…where Ashley and Michael had their dinner.
- Why does every RH franchise seem to have someone wanting to have a music career?
- Where was Wendy during most of the episode?
- The peace out party was an awesome idea and I wish I would have done it when I moved out of my last apartment.
- I am so sick of hearing about Mia’s clit surgery/vaginal rejuvenation whatever the hell it was. Let’s end HoohaGate already!
- Karen was actually the voice of reason!
- Ashley preparing for motherhood 2.0 was sweet.
- Taking bets now, how long will the podcast last?
More next week, stay tuned!
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