Following a live vote, a Houseguest is evicted and interviewed by Host Julie Chen Moonves. Remaining Houseguests compete for power in the next Head of Household on BIG BROTHER Thursday, August 6 (8:00 – 9:01 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on P+. Pictured L-R: Britini D'Angelo, Whitney Williams, Derek Xiao, Hannah Chaddha, Claire Rehfuss, Kyland Young, Tiffany Mitchel, Azah Awasum, Sarah Steagall, Xavier Prather, and Derek Frazier Photo: CBS ©2021 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/8/2021: Who Won HOH?
Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 picks up right where we left off last Thursday with the HOH competition. They are standing on what looks like the ledge of a boat while being pelted with faux vomit and water. The ledge also tilts, making it even harder to stay on.
Tiffany makes it clear that she does NOT want Alyssa to win.
Derek wants to take people down, so he also wants Alyssa out so he can win HOH for himself.
Order of elimination:
Big D
Sarah Beth
Alyssa (Tiffany is especially happy about this.)
DEREK WINS HOH! To say he is stoked is an understatement.
Xavier knows he will be safe, thanks to the Kings deal he made with Derek. He was too afraid to win HOH again and therefore make himself a target.
Alyssa feels happy as well because she and Derek are in the Royal Flush alliance.
As an aside, the vomit noises are making me want to vomit.
Hannah and Derek do a happy dance as they plan who should go on the block. He tells her he promised the Kings safety, but she tells him to do what he has to do for his own game.
Sarah Beth talks to Hannah to clear the air, but it is obvious that they do not trust each other.
As Derek talks game with Hannah and Tiffany, word about the Royal Flush alliance gets out, blindsiding Hannah and Derek accusing Tiffany of blowing it….so now he has to come up with a story to cover his butt.He convinces her that it will dissolve in a week, knowing full well that is not the case.
Tiffany also makes it seem like no big deal, but is kicking herself for spilling the beans.
Christian is the target this week, but Derek plans to backdoor him to throw everyone off…..so he asks everyone if they want to be a pawn. (That was his plan? REALLY?) Everyone says no….which is no surprise. He seems to want to keep everyone safe and is confusing everyone, especially Xavier.
Hannah thinks he should nominate Sarah Beth as a pawn to improve her own game.
In the end, Sarah Beth and Britini are the nominations because it is what is best for his personal game and keeping trust inside the house. Both of them make it clear they are NOT happy.
Christian is also upset that the Royal Flush is now blown up.
More Wednesday, stay tuned!