Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/25/2021: Did Derek Get Backdoored?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/25/2021: Did Derek Get Backdoored?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/25/2021: Did Derek Get Backdoored?

Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 starts off with Alyssa crying because she got Xavier on the block due to the roulette game.


Xavier, however, feels safe because he thinks the Cookout has his back. He is just upset because he wanted to have a perfect season without being on the block.


Claire, for her part, feels safe because she thinks Xavier is a bigger threat and therefore, going to jury. She talks to Sarah Beth and asks her what her plans are in terms of backdooring. Sarah Beth assures her she is safe, but alludes to Derek being backdoored.


Of course, Claire brings this back to Derek, who is not happy about this turn of events. Alyssa, on the other hand is thrilled because it means Xavier will be off the block.


Tiffany is also upset because she wants Derek to stay because of the alliance.


Derek talks to Sarah Beth about her plans, but doesn’t get a straight answer. He goes to talk to Hannah about it and she promises to save him if she wins POV.


POV comp time! Big D, Alyssa and Azah join Xavier, Sarah Beth and Claire for the game, which consists of a domino safari game with buzzers. They must knock them down perfectly in the best time.


The POV is in play, but so are punishments and cash. Big D goes for the cash prize, while everyone else goes for the POV.

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Xavier wins POV, but also got three punishments: 24 hours in solitary confinement, a loss of his BB Bucks and the third nominee if the opportunity arises.


Big D wins 100 BB Bucks and $7,500 in cash.


Claire is upset over the results, so Tiffany comforts her….while planning to keep Derek off the block.


After the houseguests put together Red Cross packages for disaster relief, there is discussion between Derek and Sarah Beth about putting Hannah on the block. However, Xavier takes himself off the block, which means Derek is now on….and we will find out who goes home tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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