Big Brother 23 Recap for 8/1/2021: Who Did Christian Nominate?
Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 kicks off Christian’s reign as HOH. Big D and Azah are upset they lost and wonder if they will be targeted. Claire worries about being a pawn, while Derek is torn between two alliances.
However, Whitney and Hannah are the targets, with Whitney being the one Christian wants going home this week. Alyssa and Sarah Beth think they should get rid of Hannah first, since she is one of the smarter players.
In the event that Whitney wins the Wildcard round, Azah and Britini will be targets.
Derek talks to Azah, Whitney and Sarah Beth about growing up with immigrant parents and how he is using the show to set an example for Asian men who may be watching.
Wildcard time! Whitney, Azah and Claire play a game where they move an olive into a martini glass with flickering lights throughout the game. Claire ends up winning and earned herself safety until jury.
Christian meets with everyone in the house and it seems unanimous that they all want Whitney gone. However, Christian and Alyssa begin to wonder if Hannah should be the target after all. He goes to talk to her and ends up more confused than ever when she promises him safety if she wins HOH.
Nomination time! As predicted, Hannah and Whitney are on the block because Christian knows the Kings would be targets had one of them won.
Hannah is determined to win HOH, while Whitney is blindsided by being on the block.
More Wednesday, stay tuned!