The Real Housewives of New York City Recap for The Witching Hour
Tonight’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York City on Bravo picks up where we left off last week. The ladies (minus Ramona) comfort Sonja, who got into a fight with Bershan.
Bershan continues to drink her martini while everyone else leaves with Sonja. Ramona is the only one who stays behind, telling Bershan that the other women aren’t as strong as they are.
At the hotel, the other women say goodnight and make it clear that they are done with Bershan.
The next morning, it turns out that things went from bad to worse with Bershan and Sonja. The two of them get into a Dyansty-esque Krystal and Alexis Carrington fight that is broken up by security and Leah. Sonja even broke the fire extinguisher glass, because that is what you do when you are dragged away during a fight.
Of course, word gets around in the group, who sit around gossiping like Desperate housewives do when something big happens. Nobody understands why the fight happened, but think that both women are at fault. They then make fun of the situation because, of course they do.
Things get more serious when Leah and Ramona decide to have an intervention for Sonja due to her drinking. They call LuAnn, who is on board.
Ramona goes to talk to Bershan to get her side of the story. She explains that Sonja took things too far by getting into her face. Bershan says that is something that is not done because it can have consequences. She also says that she was joking when she was calling them grandmas, but didn’t realize that they might not get her brand of humor….so she is willing to apologize.
Leah then tells Eboni about the fight as she gets made over by her glam squad. Eboni says they are classy ladies and she is shocked. She agrees to be a part of the intervention.
Later on, the ladies get ready for lunch. Sonja is still upset about the fight, while the other ladies wonder how things will go at the lunch.
They agree to have a quiet ride, which leads to everyone texting and sleeping.
When they get to the Black Cow restaurant, Bershan apologizes and explains her brand of humor. LuAnn explains why she and Sonja were offended and that if she offends her friend, then expect a reaction.
Berhsan continues to apologize and says she thought she had a connection with Sonja.
Sonja, for her part, agrees, but explains why she was hurt. Ramona tries to calm her down, but Sonja tells her to shut up. Bershan tells Sonja that she takes responsibility for her actions and they hug it out.
The waiters bring over the sushi, which was supposed to be her entrée. She explains that she doesn’t want them to bring more yet, but calls him Mr. Sushi Man because she has no idea his name is Chuck. They all decide to chow down…and I guess get more?
As an aside, now I want sushi.
Seance time! They get some drinks and use the potty as they get ready. The ladies want to do the intervention with Sonja because she is already drinking. Leah says they should wait until everyone is there. However, LuAnn wants to wait until tomorrow, but Ramona decides to do it now.
Leah begins by explaining they are not judging her, but think the drinking is hurting her. Sonja says she only drinks in a large group, like when she is with the girls. This leads to another fight and Sonja getting defensive.
LuAnn says she needs a wake up call, while Sonja continues to deny there is a problem.
Eboni, who decided to stay with Bershan, explains that Sonja is going through a lot right now.
Sandra the séance lady has them sit around the table and begins the séance, which leads to a huge bang. They all freak out, but are assured they are going to be fine.
Bershan: Her grandpa comes to tell her she is going to come out of her shell.
LuAnn: There is a moody man in her life that she will eventually separate from….NOT an uncle that was predicted.
Leah: A woman who would not approve of this appears, that could be her grandma. Sandra also sees her studying Judaism.
Eboni: Her grandma comes though with a bit of attitude and is very proud of her. She thinks that she will continue to be strong and share her messages to women.
Sonja: Her father appears with unfinished business. He apologizes to her and says he didn’t know what he was doing. Sandra also predicts he had a drinking problem, which happens to be true. This leads to Sonja crying and admitting she felt abandoned by her father. Sandra tells her to see a therapist.
Ramona: Her younger brother comes through and he is sorry for hurting her, despite always being a lost soul. He loved her and says it is not her fault for how he ended up. Ramona begins to cry because she kept pushing him away.
When it is over, Leah says says she now understands the women a bit better.
The ladies point out Leah has her dress on backwards, which is the perfect way to end the episode.