February 2, 2025
Big Brother 23 Recap for 7/29/2021: Did Brent or Britini Get Evicted?

Big Brother 23 Recap for 7/29/2021: Did Brent or Britini Get Evicted?

Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 will air our third live eviction. Brent or Britini will be evicted tonight, depending on how the house decides to vote. Right now, it looks like they are gunning for Brent, but as we know, EXPCECT THE UNEXPECTED!

Even Julie Chen Moonves says that Brent is going home….which is a first.

After the veto meeting, Britini decides to lay low, while Brent brags that he is going to stay in the house, thanks to the new Mafia alliance. However, he has no idea that this alliance is actually fake and they are all against him.

Brent goes to talk to Derek X and Kyland in order to plan their next move (getting Christian and Xavier on the block), but almost walks in on Derek talking to Hannah about getting rid of him. He has no idea they are in their own alliance and plan to get rid of the targets one by one.

Brent goes on to talk to the women in the house, making them uncomfortable. Whitney even calls him out on it and tells him to watch how he talks to people.

The Royal Flush alliance might be crumbling as they try to figure out who to get rid of next. Right now, it looks like Whitney is a target, with Hannah being a pawn.

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Eviction time! As predicted, Brent is evicted in a unanimous vote. He says goodbye and goes to talk to Julie.…and it is awkward to say the least. His videos on the other hand, are not, especially since Hannah finally calls him out.

HOH comp! The teams have to put together a puzzle and will get eliminated if there is a mistake. The houseguest who puts in the final piece wins.

Christian wins and is the new HOH.


More Sunday, stay tuned.

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