Big Brother 23 Recap for 7/28/2021: Who Won the Third POV?
Tonight’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 23 picks up with where we left off at the nomination ceremony. Britini is in tears over once again being on the block. Brent is not happy either, but thinks he is safe.
Xavier talks to Britini and assures her it will be okay. Big D does the same, while Azah is upset to see Britini on the block again.
Brent, on the other hand, thinks he has It in the bag, not knowing he is actually a target.
However, the confidence is short lived because he begins to realize the truth. He talks to Xavier and his teammates, who all assure him he will be okay to his face and say otherwise behind his back.
Azah goes to talk to Xavier because she is unhappy with how things are going in the house. She has no idea why Britini is a target or why he didn’t take her up on her offer to go on the block.
Not satisfied with the answers, Azah goes to talk to Tiffany. However, Tiffany is in no mood to deal with her, so she goes to complain to Xavier, saying that Azah is raining on the cookout, so to speak.
Oh, and Hannah is in the Cookout alliance now.
Christian and Alyssa get caught making out in the HOH room by Xavier. He is disturbed by this happening on his bed, while Christian compares it to being caught by his parents.
POV Comp time. Xavier, Britini, Brent, Big D, Christian and Whitney compete. They are dressed in tutus and have to spin fifteen times and bowl.
Christian ends up winning after defeating Big D and Xavier. Everyone else is eliminated one by one, with most of them going up against Brent.
However, Brent assumes he is safe, do he doesn’t bother to beg for safety. In fact, he is so sure that he convinces everyone to tell Xavier not to use the POV so Britini can be evicted.
Christian decides NOT to use the POV and the nominations stay the same. Brent thinks this will allow him to stay, but the rest of the house is planning to make sure he is evicted.
More tomorrow, stay tuned.