Vanderpump Dogs Recap for The Princess and the Pup

Vanderpump Dogs Recap for The Princess and the Pup

Vanderpump Dogs Recap for The Princess and the Pup

The fifth episode of Vanderpump Dogs opens with the crew primping the dogs, as per usual. Lisa and Ken come in, where they find out several of the dogs have been adopted. They are happy for the owners, but sad to see them gone.



This is a family who is looking to adopt a dog for the family. Skylar is the child, who is hoping to find a small, adorable dog.

Claudia has allergies, so she wants a hypoallergenic dog. The family are also Vikings, so they want to have a dog they can train for their lifestyle.

Lisa takes them to play with dogs that best fit what everyone wants. Skylar falls in love with a small, cuddly dog, while Bjorn takes a liking to a bigger one.

However, the more dogs Skylar sees, the more she falls in love with the other dogs. Lisa has them fill out an application for adoption approval.

When they come back, Skylar gives Lisa a hug and a picture of her and Knight. Lisa asks her some questions and allows the family to take him home…dressed as a Viking.



They are a couple who are looking to adopt a dog to join the one they already have at home. She is skeptical because they seem to want a Beyonce dog, so she has them bring their dog in to see how she interacts with the other dogs.

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Henry and Omar come back the next day with their dog Minaj in tow. They don’t seem to want her to go by Lisa, which leaves her confused. She explains that this is a red flag, so they all agree it is best for them not to adopt a dog at this time.


Knight is bonding with his new family and on his way to becoming a Viking guard dog.

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