The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap for Sutton's Gotta Give

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap for Sutton’s Gotta Give

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Recap for Sutton’s Gotta Give

This week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills on Bravo opens where we left off last week–with Sutton explaining how she doesn’t see color or race.

She tearfully explains her stance on it, saying Kyle hurt Garcelle as a person, not as a race. Kyle asks if she sees people equally and she says yes.

Crystal explains why this is an outdated way to think and says they should all just go to bed.

The next morning, Dorit and Kyle talk to their kids while Sutton and Garcelle make breakfast. Everyone else (minus Kathy) slowly wakes up and joins them. They discuss going biking and then talk about the election and who they think will win.

Kathy remains asleep while everyone else goes to get ready. Sutton and Crystal go outside to talk about the conversation they had the night before.

Both of them explain their side of the story and why they feel the way they do about racism. They manage to come to an understanding and hug it out.

As the ladies (minus Kathy) go riding, Erika points out where the most fugitives in America live, but won’t say how she knows this.

Once they arrive, they all freak out on the bike, which is actually something on rails. Garcelle quips that they barely moved and it is already a disaster.

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However, everyone seems to have a good time and once they are done, they go back to the house.

Sutton and Crystal continue to bond over their lives and losing their fathers. Garcelle is also with them, but she is asleep in the back.

Everyone decides to relax before dinner. Kyle and Kathy talk about their genetics and how Kyle, Paris and Sophia all look alike. Garcelle quips that since Kathy confused her and Kyle, therefore, she looks like Paris.

She goes on to say how she had a preconceived version of what Paris was like because she was always on her phone. Kyle and Kathy explain that she used the phone as a prop to protect herself because she was so shy. Kyle is a bit offended by the judgement.

At dinner, the ladies enjoy drinks and food while discussing Lisa’s new lip line. She says COVID put things on hold, but she is excited to get things started.

However, the good mood is short lived because Dorit and Sutton get into a fight over the Southern stereotype that Sutton faced. Garcelle thinks there is something more going on, so she thinks everyone shoutl let things go.

Kathy just wants to get loopy, so she encourages everyone to keep drinking. However, she is actually having water with olives to chug to pull a prank on everyone. She has no idea that Lisa and Dorit are pulling a prank of their own.

The ladies continue to talk about the night when they get home and we have to wait until next week to see how it all transpires. Stay tuned.

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