The Real Housewives of New York City Recap for Burning Up

The Real Housewives of New York City Recap for Burning Up

The Real Housewives of New York City Recap for Burning Up

Tonight’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York opens with Eboni and Leah hanging out at Eboni’s. For some reason, Leah is dressed like a gift with a huge red bow. How very Claudia Kishi.

Eboni talks about how her boyfriend decided to be with his children during the pandemic and the relationship is now over. She says that there are relationships that last for a season and a lifetime, and their season is up.

Leah asks her about the other girls. Eboni thinks it is too early to decide, but she is surprised that she was invited to the Hamptons. Burning Man will be involved and…. have no clue what that is, but sounds fun?

Sonja goes to see her friend Aleta, who is also her healer. It is similar to D’Andra’s shaman on RHOD, minus the burning of perfectly good M&M trail mix. There are crystals and pep talks and….the colon being connected to the brain?….that would explain a lot about certain people, just saying.

In all seriousness, Sonja is able to talk about her feelings regarding her ex-husband and daughter, as well as the other issues in her life. She admits that she isn’t ready to deal with things head on, but this is a good start.

The ladies prepare for the trip to the Hamptons. Ramona is at her house there, preparing for the ladies to arrive and remembering the last trip, which resulted in a vibrator being in the chicken. However, she plans to bring it this year, especially with the Burning Man theme.

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Leah and Eboni arrive in the Hamptons, ready to eat and have a good time. Ramona has some sort of colored braid, which Leah finds interesting. (I personally love it, but that is just me)

Cue flashbacks to last year’s fiasco at the Hamptons.

LuAnn and Ramona drive to the Hamptons together and talk about men. As they drive, the others enjoy the lunch that Ramona made. Ramona tells them about how she and LuAnn had lunch with Heather and rumors they heard about hard drugs being brought to the St. Barts trip.

After lunch, Ramona gives Eboni and Leah a tour of the house and says she hopes that there is no fighting over rooms this year.

LuAnn and Sonja finally arrive and eat some food before Ramona gives them their own tour.

That night, the ladies get ready for the Burning Man party, which apparently consists of them wearing as little as possible. Sonja even helps Ramona dress in a sheer top with sparkly titty covers and a matching silver skirt. Everyone else is dressed like they are going to a Village People meets Christina Aguilera’s Dirrty video event.

It begins as a fun party, but then a healer gets involved and I am left completely confused….until they open up about their lives, things that are troubling them and what they want to change.

Sonja wants to check out, which worries Ramona. However, she doesn’t want her to keep wallowing.

They all end up screaming their feelings at the end of the healing session.

The night continues with pizza and the Burning Man show. The ladies begin dancing and having fun, but Eboni seems a bit more subdued and ends up leaving to go to bed. Leah goes to check on her and they cuddle for a bit. Eboni wants to just relax because she is a bit tapped out.

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The episode ends with Leah rejoining the other ladies and screaming.


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