THE BACHELOR - Ò2509Ó Ð ItÕs time for fantasy suites! Matt and his three remaining women each enjoy romantic and perfectly tailored one-on-one dates, all of which lead to the big question: Are they ready to spend the night together? But before he can truly consider moving forward in a relationship, Matt must first address the one that has previously held him back. Will an honest conversation be enough to guide him on his quest to find love? Find out on ÒThe Bachelor,Ó airing MONDAY, MARCH 8 (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin) MATT JAMES, RACHAEL
The Bachelor Recap for 3/8/21: The Fantasy Suite Dates
This episode of ABC’s The Bachelor opens with the girls looking back on their journeys and then talking to each other about their hometowns. Chris Harrison comes in to explain how the Fantasy Suite dates work….off camera time to use wisely. (Is that what they are calling it these days?)
Michelle is the first one to get a date. However, before we get to that, Matt’s dad arrives. They have a very uncomfortable heart to heart that probably should have been done off camera, just saying. I am glad they were able to make amends, but still, I feel like Manny was a bit bombarded.
Finally, it is time for his date with Michelle. They have a very interesting spa date which includes butter, a milk bath, oatmeal and other such things you would more likely see on the breakfast table. Interesting. They also spend time talking about the hometown dates and the future. It seems like they are on the same page when it comes to what they want in life.
The conversation continues at dinner, where Matt tells her about what happened with his dad. She is sympathetic and promises to be there for him. As they head to the fantasy suite, she says she is in love with him and their night of romance begins.
At the house, Rachael is upset knowing Matt is with another woman. The feeling only gets worse the next morning when Michelle returns and talks about her night. She understands the girls feel bad, but she isn’t sure what else to say or do.
Bri gets the second date, which consists of them camping and talking around a fire. They continue to bond over everything in their lives and he tells her what went on with his dad. It seems as if they are really comfortable with each other and she reveals that she is falling in love during dinner.
The two spend time together in the Fantasy Suite, which is NOT in the tent they built at the start of the date. The next morning, they cook together and canoodle before saying goodbye.
Matt admits that he has a hard time seeing her leave knowing what’s to come.
Rachael has the final date, which consists of doing some sort of pottery project, Ghost style. They also have a conversation about her insecurities, which leads to her admitting she is falling in love. He says he cannot imagine life without her.
Their night ends with fireworks and Fantasy Suite time. She thinks this was the perfect way to end her difficult week.
Rose ceremony time. Chris greets all the girls, who are excited and nervous about what is to come. Matt joins them and gives roses to Michelle and Rachael. He talks to Bri, giving her the infamous ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech and she tells him that she is hurt and disappointed before saying goodbye.
Season finale next week, stay tuned.