Celebrity Spotlight: Meet Ultimate Cowboy Showdown’s Hunter Arnold
Tell me a bit about yourself and career.
My name is Hunter Arnold, and I’m 23 years old. I was born and raised in Groveton, Texas. I grew up around cattle and rodeos and started roping at age 12. My high school FFA/Agriculture teacher lives behind me, and he taught me how to rope and ride. It made it really easy for me to learn how to be a rodeo cowboy and horse trainer.
How would you describe Ultimate Cowboy Showdown?
It was very challenging and demanding. Every day was wide open; we did so much throughout the day. It was an experience unlike anything I’ve never had.
What made you decide to be on the show?
I was in Las Vegas and a lady approached me and asked if I wanted to try to win $50,000 on a television show. I sent in my pictures and a video, but honestly, I didn’t think it was real. I thought she was joking with me, but then she called me in for a COVID test so that we could begin filming, and I realized then that it was real.
How would you describe the experience?
It was a wild experience, to say the least. The challenges were very Western. We even had to swim out into a pond for one of the challenges. There was so much going on, and it was tough, but great. You can see just how challenging it was by the condition of my hat.
What was it like getting to know Trace?
I didn’t really get the opportunity to get to know Trace, but I did get to know Buddy Schnaufer, one of the judges. He’s an amazing guy. I respect him and I talk with him on social media to this day. Cash Myers was great, too. They were both so nice and judged fairly.
What ere some challenges of being on the show?
We were all supposed to sleep in tents, but instead, I slept in my truck. I had to leave it running all night so that I could have air conditioning. The heat was terrible; combined with the stress of the show, it was a lot. It was stressful to have to live alongside people I had never met; but after two days, I felt like I’d lived with them my whole life.
What are some of your favorite memories from being on the show?
The whole experience was unbelievable. I’ve watched all the reality shows, and to be on one was awesome. My favorite memories are of the friends that I came out with, and the knowledge I gained from shooting the show.
What else are you working on?
I have some fireworks stands, and I’ve been building tiny cabins. I have ten head of rodeo cows that are calving, and I also have some bulls on the PBR tour right now.
Tell me a fun fact about yourself.
Most of the time I look angry, but I’m rarely ever mad.
What are you watching on TV these days?
I don’t watch a lot of TV, but I like to watch YouTube videos of country singers and 90s rock music.
Anything else you want to share?
If everyone would wake up every day with the intention of trying to love everyone they come across, the world would be better. Even if you’re having a bad day, you never know what someone else is going through. We should all just try to love one another.