The Bachelor Recap for 2/22/21: The Hometown Dates

The Bachelor Recap for 2/22/21: The Hometown Dates

The Bachelor Recap for 2/22/21: The Hometown Dates

Tonight’s episode of ABC’s The Bachelor features the Hometown Dates. Rachael, Bri, Serena and Michelle will introduce Matt James to their families in hopes of impressing him and getting another rose.


Michelle is on the first date and they both show up in jeans and light blue shirts. Are they already one of those couples who dress alike? Regardless, they are sooo cute.


They enjoy a bike ride and then she introduces him to some of her students via Zoom. The kids ask the typical questions such as ‘are you going to marry her?’, ‘have you kissed?’ and ‘is that your boyfriend?’ However, some ask questions that are very sweet, like how she inspires him and what she has taught him.


Matt then goes to meet Michelle’s family, which consists of them talking about their journey thus far and Matt being questioned by her father about whether or not he is in love with her. Matt assures him that although he did not tell her yet, he will do anything for her, even moving to Minnesota with her if she is chosen.


Michelle has a similar talk with her mom, who is all in. They cap off the night with a game of basketball and her telling him she is in love. He responds by kissing her as they say goodbye.


Rachael’s date is up next. Before they meet her family, she blindfolds him and takes him on a ride to a plane… they can go skydiving. The two of them seem to be having a good time, until she falls. He thinks she could he hurt and is terrified. It allows them to discuss  putting things into perspective and makes her realize she is more in love than ever.

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They then go to meet her family and it is sweet to see her with her mom. They discuss the date and she admits she got hurt and her face is bruised. As they talk, Matt and Rachael’s dad bond over a fire. They actually are really cute and seem like buddies who would be able to chill over a beer.


Rachael then talks to her dad, who is thrilled to see her so happy. She is glad her parents see them on the same page, but I thought she mentioned a sister? Did they not show her?


The night ends with them declaring their love and kissing each other goodbye.


Bri’s date starts with them driving around in a Jeep and enjoying a picnic lunch. They talk about their lives and the journey a bit before going to meet Bri’s mom, best friend and baby sister.


Bri’s mom takes him aside right away and begins to ask all the hard questions, including if he is in love with her. He says he is falling for her, but she keeps pushing until he admits that he can see her in his future. She then talks to Bri, saying this is crazy, but not crazy. She promises her that no matter what happens, they will survive it together.


The night ends with her saying she is in love, and of course them kissing.


Serena’s date has her teaching him about Canadian culture, including food, hockey and language. It is quite interesting and probably one of my favorite dates in the show’s history. My favorite moment was him confusing ham and Spam.

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During the family meeting, Serena’s mom implies that this is going too fast and doesn’t seem too impressed with his answers about if he is falling for her. She seems very suspicious of the whole situation, especially when she points out he began with several other girls. She wants to know why Serena.


Serena, for her part, talks to her dad and sister. She admits he checks all her boxes, but she is freaking out a bit. She also shares this fear with her mom, who points out that she was so hurt in her last relationship and afraid of it happening again.


Later on, she and Matt discuss this and he says that she can trust him, even though she is still afraid. They share a kiss before saying goodbye. As he leaves, she wonders if she is even ready for an engagement.


Matt talks to Chris about what happened on the dates, including the confusion with Serena P. He decides to talk to her because he sees her in his future. However, she admits she is not there yet and therefore, he isn’t her person.


He says this sucks and walks her downstairs to say goodbye.



He tells the other girls what happened with Serena and tells them to think long and hard before accepting the rose. All three girls accept roses and they toast to the next week.


Women Tell All next week, stay tuned!

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