ICYMI: Young Sheldon Recap for A Philosophy Class and Worms That Can Chase You

ICYMI: Young Sheldon Recap for A Philosophy Class and Worms That Can Chase You

ICYMI: Young Sheldon Recap for A Philosophy Class and Worms That Can Chase You

The episode opens with Pastor Jeff (Matt Hobby) leading vacation Bible School in prayer for a good year of school. Sheldon (Iain Armitage) questions if it covers the college bound. Pastor Jeff says yes and says thank you for reminding him that he is in college.


Dr. Linkletter (Ed Begley Jr.) calls, with Sheldon answering the phone and informing him that he interrupted Star Trek. Dr. Linkletter says he is not up on cartoons and Sheldon corrects him. It turns out he wants to talk to Mary about taking care of Sheldon in place of Dr. Sturgis. Sheldon keeps talking until Mary (Zoe Perry) tells him to hang up.


Mary and Dr. Linkletter talk about Sheldon’s needs while in college, with him asking if he needs to take him to the bathroom.


At dinner, Mary fills the family in on the conversation. Missy (Raegan Revord)and Georgie (Montana Jordan) are snarky, while George (Lance Barber) kind of just sits there.


Mary drops Missy off at school, knowing that she doesn’t want her to go into the school with her. However, she makes sure Missy is set and hugs her goodbye.


Brenda (Melissa Peterman) walks over to Mary to bond over dropping off their kids at middle school. Mary asks her to get coffee and Brenda agrees, although she would rather have vodka.

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Sheldon goes into his first class, which is for Philosophy. His professor (Melanie Lynskey)  is a bit of a free spirit, leaving him taken aback and annoyed. She begins talking about butterflies and dreams, causing Sheldon to question her and the two of them debating on everything. He tells her he can’t take her seriously with her toes showing.


Brenda and Mary talk about their kids in middle school. Brenda hopes Missy is popular, but worries about if Billy will thrive in the environment. The two of them talk about how they would be in school and how they would handle things such as bullying.


Sheldon complains to Dr. Linkletter to complain about his professor. However, there is nothing he can do except blow bubbles and suggest Sheldon drop the class. This leads to Sheldon going to the professor to drop the class, but ultimately getting into another debate.


On the way home, Mary and Missy discuss her wonderful day, while Sheldon complains to MeeMaw. George tries to talk to Georgie, but Georgie is more interested in listening to and singing along to his Walkman.


At dinner, the family argues over what to watch, while Sheldon reads the book he got from the library to prove his professor was wrong. Mary suggests they don’t watch TV and play a game instead. However, she ends up playing with only Sheldon, who is still entranced by his book. He doesn’t remember dinner, which Mary says he complained about being dry.


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Brenda comes over to see how everything went. Mary says Sheldon argued with his professor, while Missy had a wonderful day. Brenda says Billy’s day didn’t go so well either, but is thrilled for Missy. She thinks Missy is on her way to becoming Prom Queen.


As the ladies chat, the guys watch Fresh Prince with Missy explaining the premise.


Sheldon continues to read his book, ultimately having a dream about it, realizing that he can now properly debate his professor. He goes into class the next day to share his knowledge. She agrees with him and gives him a flower. He rejects it and then realizes it was all a dream. Once he wakes up for real (after dreaming Missy is about to attack him with a fly swatter), he asks if he is awake or not. Missy insults him and he realizes he is awake.


The show ends with Mary checking in on Sheldon, who tells her he has no idea what is real anymore and that nothing matters.

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