"Woo-Woo Lights and an Onside Kick" -- Bonnie and the ladies indulge Jill when she goes to extremes to get her relationship with Andy (Will Sasso) back on track, on MOM, Thursday, Jan. 21 (9:01-9:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Pictured (L-R): Jaime Pressly as Jill and Allison Janney as Bonnie Photo: Robert Voets / 2020 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
ICYMI: Mom Recap for Woo Woo Lights and an Onside Kick
The episode opens with Bonnie (Allison Janney), Jill (Jaime Pressly), Marjorie (Mimi Kennedy), Tammy (Kristen Johnston) and Wendy (Beth Hall) at their AA meeting. Tammy talks about her hike where she was listening in on a couple who had to deal with a tick bite and how she knows what to do in case it happens to her.
Jill then talks about her break with Andy and how he thinks she is too much. She feels helpless and knows that is dangerous.
Bonnie says she will find out about Andy from Adam since they are watching football together that night.
Later on, Adam (William Fichtner) comes home to find Bonnie pretending to be asleep while watching a movie. He points out it is an infomercial and she tries talking her way out of it. He then attempts to go to bed, but she wants to know if he mentioned Jill. He says they only talked about football, going into great detail about the game. Bonnie then threatens him by throwing a can of soup at him. Adam then mentions that Andy is going through a lot, including getting a new partner.
That night, Bonnie wakes up Adam to find out more about the partner.
It turns out Andy’s new partner is a woman named Johanna, which freaks out Jill when Bonnie tells her at the next meeting. Marjorie tells her not to jump to conclusions, but it turns out Wendy knows her through the hospital. She is nice, has dogs and collects vintage dolls. Jill continues to freak out, while Bonnie wishes she could have thrown soup at Wendy.
Bonnie feeds Adam his favorite dinner as an apology for hitting him with the zipper side of his pillow the night before. The conversation turns back to Andy and Jill. Adam says Andy says Jill is a bit of a handful, upsetting Bonnie. She wants to know what Adam says about her, but before he can admit to anything incriminating, Jill calls Bonnie to say she is spying on Andy and Johanna. She took her housekeeper’s car as a disguise and has to pee.
Bonnie joins Jill with snacks and a jar to pee in. They follow Andy and Johanna, switching seats and breaking traffic laws. Once they see them pull over, they spy with binoculars, noticing they are having coffee, but no donuts. Jill says she wishes Johanna was gorgeous because if she loses Andy to someone less pretty, it means she was the problem.
Jill decides to call Andy, only to get sent to voicemail. She tells Bonnie to call and is upset because he answered for her. Tammy then calls, only to join the spying with red licorice. They notice Johanna and Andy arresting a drunk guy, with Jill freaking out and Bonnie and Tammy telling her to calm down. They also make fun of Marjorie, who would have told them not to spy.
They follow Johanna, Andy and Drunk Dude to the hospital, where they continue to spy, only to be joined by Wendy. She fills them on what is happening with the Drunk Dude and tells them that Johanna actually has a boyfriend that works at the hospital.
Jill begins to feel better when Andy (Will Sasso) finds them, asking to speak to Jill. The other ladies continue to spy, realizing Andy and Jill are over. She comes back into the car, confirming the news.
Marjorie joins the ladies at Bonnie’s to help comfort Jill. She tells her that she will find love again when Adam walks in, joking about coming into a girls’ dorm. Bonnie kicks him out, saying it is a bad time to have a penis as the episode comes to a close.