THE BACHELORETTE - Ò1608Ó Ð An anxious Tayshia is experiencing something totally unexpected: She is having romantic feelings for multiple men. JoJo arrives to help Tayshia navigate her unsettling emotions, as well as fills in for Chris Harrison when he leaves to accompany his son to college. Tayshia and Zac C. dress up to capture some lovely wedding photos. He reveals himself to be a real survivor, surprising the Bachelorette and compelling her to see him in a different light. Ten men attend an art class in order to reveal themselves through their creative talent. Another man faces his fears as he and Tayshia go ghost hunting, but, even scarier, he admits his deep feelings for her. Finally, bitter rivals Noah and Bennett face the dreaded two-on-one date on ÒThe Bachelorette,Ó TUESDAY, DEC. 1 (8:00-10:01 p.m. EST), on ABC. (ABC/Craig Sjodin) ZAC C., TAYSHIA ADAMS
Tonight is a brand new night of The Bachelorette on ABC. Tayshia will have a group date, a one on one and a two on one, which will finally end the drama between Noah and Bennett.
JoJo comes to spend time with Tayshia and also take over hosting duties for Chris, who is leaving to take his son to college. She drops off the first date card, which is for Zac. The date is a fake wedding photo shoot, with very pretty dresses and fun, silly moments, including exploding champagne and jumping on trampoline.
Afterward, they have dinner and get deep into his past. He talks about his brain tumor surgery, his addiction and sobriety and overcoming everything. It is incredible how he came through the other side and is now using his experience to help others. Tayshia is happy he felt comfortable to share his story and gives him a rose.
The night ends with them enjoying the night together. He is thrilled and will not let anyone tell him this journey won’t work for him.
Group Date! This one consists of Ben, Bennett, Blake, Brendan, Demar, Ed, Ivan, Noah, Riley and Spencer. (Thank you, Reality Steve for the update/names) This is an art class which has them drawing and sculpting different things. Noah and Bennett continue to fight, especially when Bennett decides to sit beside Tayshia. For one of them, they have to share a personal story, which gives Tayshia a better idea of why they are the way they are. Ben takes it a step further and strips down, letting down his walls and making everyone cry.
Afterward, she spends one on one time with each guy. Of course, Noah and Bennett continue to fight. They get called out FINALLY and she makes them sit down and talk it out, but not before Ben gets the rose. Spencer narrates it in his ITM, which is hilarious.
Eazy is on the second one on one date, which takes place in a haunted Blair Witch type place at the resort. It seems like fun for them, although it would have freaked me out. He seems really into her and wants to be her rock, but it is obvious she only sees him as a friend at this point.
At dinner, he declares his love for her, but sadly, she doesn’t feel the same way and sends him home. He is very sad and asks if she is sure. She says yes, even though she feels bad. The other guys are shocked he is sent home and also seem to be upset about it.
The next day, JoJo tells them the cocktail party has been postponed because Tayshia wants to get to the bottom of the Noah and Bennett drama. The guys expect a battle royale between the men as they prepare to meet Tayshia.
Bennett gives Noah a gift as a peace offering which consists of a red bandanna, a book on emotional intelligence and mustached socks. Noah thinks it is fake and especially hates the book. Bennett talks like an intellectual mobster and explains to Noah why he thinks of him the way he does. Noah tells him to say this in front of Tayshia and he agrees.
Tayshia comes in and tells them she likes them both and has feelings for them, but she is frustrated with the pettiness and drama. This leads to the men arguing over who said what. Tayshia says this is teenage boy drama, which leads to Bennett saying he was not aware of anything until Tayshia brought it up. This causes her to think he is questioning her integrity….and we have to wait until next week to find out what happens. Stay tuned.