Originally posted on September 29, 2020 @ 6:00 pm
Isaiah Frizzelle opens up to TVGrapevine about his life, career and secret talents.
Tell me a bit about yourself and career.
I’m a New Jersey native and for a while I was able to blend in with the LA locals until they heard me say “water”. When I’m not acting, I’m podcasting, when I’m not podcasting, I’m training… When all those things are done, I’m baking a cake (Yep I’m a baker). My acting career is definitely a story of persistence with some low moments but also plenty of high moments with lots of serendipity. My acting career started in highschool because a friend kept pushing me to audition for the school production. I turned it down for a couple of years and my senior year I gave in. Literally a snowball effect. I learned a lot about myself personally as an actor as ironic as that sounds.
How would you describe Boy Friends?
“Boy Friends” is a coming of age story about college, camaraderie, personal discovery, personal adversity, and high notes. It’s a real fun show that sheds light on LGBTQ expereinces but also the importance of anyone just living their best life.
What attracted you to the role?
What attracted me most to Dom is that he’s just a cool guy. He gives a damn about his friends and working out. I’m a personal trainer so I really felt seen ! He’s probably much cooler than me though.
In what ways do you relate to your character?
Some roles just seem as if someone watched you for a while without you knowing or took a peek in your journal ( Ya know the one with the lock) and decided “hey let’s write about him”. Dom is cool, he’s laid back and really rolls with the punches. What’s great is he’s a really intelligent guy and I love breaking that stereotype in my waking life. “Brain” or “Brawn” doesn’t have to be one or the other.
What was it like working with such a great cast?
It was awesome getting to know these guys. Noam, who is the creator, is not just a very creative person but also smart! Jay, Nick, and Mike are all solid and talented ass humans that I loved getting to hang with. It was like hanging out with my buddies and we just happened to be working. A lot of talent was on that set, Broadway heavy for sure, so I knew if some singing was going to happen, I’d have a front row seat.
What were some challenges of playing the role?
There’s a scene that definitely required some physicality and as simple as it looks it was hard. Reminded me I need to stretch more.
What are some of your favorite memories from working on set?
My favorite moments were being able to watch these guys work when I wasn’t working myself. It’s effortless and I don’t know it’s something about the subtleties that I pick up on and I love that! When cameras cut we got to hang out and that was sweet.
What else are you working on?
Currently finishing my book. In the revision process and drawing the illustrations. On top of that, I’ve been getting back into my Podcast. I took time away to finish the book and man did I realize how much I missed it. Halloween season is my thing, so I’ll be writing a lot more horror for the podcast and even taking some of those stories and turning them into short films that listeners can watch on the Youtube channel.
Tell me a fun fact about yourself.
Yea baking is my love language. I really enjoy that and people are like “but wait aren’t you a personal trainer” I’m like: yeah I work out to eat cake “! There’s some truth to that but I really enjoy baking for my buddies because it keeps me in shape. Oh and I am a sucker for scents! I love candles, that is my jam… My mom created a monster.
What are you watching on TV these days?
I watch anime haha! But I’m currently watching “Ratched”, and rewatching “American Gods”…I’m a huge bookworm so most cases I have my nose in some pages (yup old school can’t do the e-reader); Psychological thrillers and personal development are my weapons of choice. If you’re looking for some good ones off the top of my head, “The Alchemist”, “The Four Agreements”, “The War of Art”, and pretty soon my book, “The coloring book”. Thrillers are tough but one of my favorites is “Hold Tight” by Harlen Coben (also a Jersey boy).
Anything else you want to share?
If you’re into podcasts, you can check out The Bird Brain Podcast on Mondays for your mental health/ good vibe, pick me up, and Fridays for some original short horror stories I’ve written. You can listen anywhere you listen to music, and it’s also on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/