Carl Beukes is a character actor that always captivates and impresses fans with every performance. He is the whole package with good looks, a charming personality and talent for days.
Now the Domination alum can be seen in the new Lifetime movie Secret Life of a Celebrity Surrogate, which premieres this weekend. In the movie, he plays Hayden, the husband of celebrity Ava and the movie’s bad boy.
Carl recently talked to TVGrapevine about the movie. Below are some of the highlights from our chat.
1. Carl says that the film is quite different with some interesting themes. He describes Hayden as an antagonist who is the force behind Ava and a troubled individual. While he did not give too much away, but he says this is definitely not a typical celebrity relationship. Expect a lot of darkness as the movie progresses.
2. For him, the biggest challenge was telling his story with enough truth in the amount of time he has so he can validate his actions. He also had to relate to Hayden and figure out why he was how he was without making him into too much of a monster.
3. Carl says that filming the movie was an intense, but wonderful experience. Since he is not a lead character, he was in and out of set in a week. However, it was a lot of crazy fun and excitement for him. He also enjoyed working with the cast and crew, saying everyone welcomed him with open arms and love.
4. Although the country is in a pandemic due to COVID, Carl is still hard at work on voice work and passion projects. He did not spoil too much about what he is doing, but it promises to be incredible. He is also waiting for the industry to open again so that he can start going on more auditions and filming again.
5. Fans would be surprised to know he is a huge gamer. His favorite game is The Last of Us, which he warns is not for the faint of heart due to it dealing with zombies and dark spaces. He advises those who are playing to play with the lights on because it is that intense!
Keep checking back for more news on Carl.