Season 22 of BIG BROTHER ALL-STARS follows a group of people living together in a house outfitted with 94 HD cameras and 113 microphones, recording their every move 24 hours a day. Each week, someone will be voted out of the house, with the last remaining Houseguest receiving the grand prize of $500,000. Airdate: September 15, 2020 (8:00-9:00PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network Pictured: Ian Terry and Tyler Crispen Photo: Best Possible Screen Grab/CBS 2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Originally posted on September 17, 2020 @ 10:30 pm
This is the sixth eviction night on CBS’s Big Brother All Stars. When we last left our houseguests, Da’Vonne won POV and used it on Kevin. Dani then put Ian on the block. Her plan is to get rid of Tyler, but will it work? We are about to find out.
Da’Vonne is glad Ian is safe because now he can help her with her game.
Nicole is crying over Ian being on the block, but won’t tell him how he got there. Instead, she just tells him to campaign. Dani also talks to him, also in tears, saying that she wants to save him….when in reality she wants him in the jury because it is better for her game.
She tells Tyler she plans to save him, but he no longer trusts what she has to say.
Da’Vonne and Kevin wonder why Tyler isn’t campaigning and wonder if he was told something.
Ian campaigns to stay in the house, but Memphis tells him straight out that he wants him gone. Everyone else wants him gone as well, except Nicole, who wants to save him due to their alliance. However, the guys threaten to send her to jury next week if she saves Ian. She tries to argue her point, but no avail….although Cody thinks that Nicole saving Ian will only serve to upset Dani, which he wouldn’t mind.
Dani continues to lie to Ian, who says if he is out she can kiss his vote for her goodbye since she ruined their game….as well as Nicole’s.
Eviction time. Ian and Tyler give their speeches as to why they should stay and the voting begins.
Christmas votes to evict Ian.
Enzo votes to evict Ian.
Da’Vonne votes to evict Tyler.
Cody votes to evict Ian.
Kevin votes to evict Tyler.
Memphis votes to evict Ian.
David votes to evict Tyler.
Nicole votes to evict Ian.
In a 5-3, Ian is evicted from the Big Brother Household. He hugs everyone goodbye as he heads to talk to Julie. He admits he has no regrets, but he is hurt with this turn of events. He also said he heard some things, which is why he resisted working with Kaysar and Janelle. He remains classy throughout the whole thing as he says goodbye and heads to the jury house.
HOH comp! Dani decides not to use her HOH power she won, so she is not competing. Everyone else is doing a puzzle relay race…and we find out Sunday who won.