AMERICA'S GOT TALENT -- "Live Show 1" Episode 1511 -- Pictured: Howie Mandel -- (Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC)
Howie Mandel gave an update on his America’s Got Talent co-judge Simon Cowell. The former American Idol judge was in a biking accident over the weekend that resulted in him breaking his back and needing surgery.
“Simon is from another planet… He’s already been up on his feet and walking… I wouldn’t count him out for the live shows yet. And I would imagine, if I know anything about Simon, that there may be a Simon sighting before the end of the season… As much as it’s devastating, it’s also good news that he is going to be fine and make a full recovery,” Howie revealed on TODAY With Jenna & Hoda. (NBC NEWS/TODAY WITH JENNA & HODA)
More from his interview can be found here. https://on.today.com/3fPEbhu