"BIG BROTHER" ALL-STARS Logo Photo: CBS @2020 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Originally posted on August 10, 2020 @ 1:06 pm
We are on the second episode of Big Brother season 22 on CBS and it looks like the competition is heating up for our all stars. Expect the unexpected, indeed.
During our premiere episode last week, we met our all star contestants and saw Cody become the first HOH. Now he has to decide who to nominate for eviction. He also realizes he is now a target due to being the first HOH, but is glad he is guaranteed safety for the first week.
After a quick recap of the premiere episode, we get down to business.
Nicole F thanks Da’Vonne for helping her get the win during her second season, but Da’Vonne is none too happy with her due to the fact that Nicole was gunning for her, rather than being in an alliance with her.
However, Janelle and Kaysar are thrilled to be working together because of their tine together on previous seasons. It seems like that they have an early alliance.
Cody and Nicole F also seem to be forming an alliance due to working together in the past. He thinks she has a different dynamic that can get him allies. He also worries about Janelle and Kaysar being such strong competitors. He also cannot see himself working with Keesha.
The Safety Suite rules are announced. Basically, each player has the option to use it ONCE if they are feeling as if they are not safe during the game. They will each be given a VIP pass to get in during the first three weeks of the game. Once they use it, they can never use it again. They also have to choose a second person to save. This makes Cody even more nervous about who to choose for nominations. Everyone else sees it as a double edge sword…..risk getting nominated or risk everyone knowing you don’t feel safe.
The Safety Suite opens and they have not one hour to decide what to do. Dani and Enzo decide to not use it, while David is tempted because he was the first one out last season.
The houseguests take turns talking to Cody to see where they stand. with thirty seconds left on the clock, Kaysar and Janelle decide to use their VIP passes and enter the Safety Suite. Once there, they have to recreate songs by pressing buttons in the correct order.
Kaysar wins and decides to save Janelle. They have immunity this week. Janelle now also has to wear a star costume all week.
Now Cody and Nicole F, who are in an alliance, so it seems, have to decide who to nominate for eviction. He thinks he will pick Kevin and Keesha because he is not quite as close with them.
Kevin tries to give one last appeal to keep from being nominated by playing it off that he sees Cody as perfect. However, there is no actual talk as to the nomination ceremony or anything like that.
Nomination ceremony time! Kevin and Keesha are both on the block. Kevin vows to get rid of Keesha so he can get revenge on Cody.
More Wednesday! Stay tuned!