Ovi Kabir at the Luxury Com " Change of $cenery" on Big Brother. BIG BROTHER airs Sundays and Wednesdays (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT); and Thursdays (9:00-10:00 PM, live ET/delayed PT), featuring the live eviction show. Photo: screengrab/CBS ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Originally posted on September 18, 2019 @ 10:22 pm
We are at the final POV competition before next week’s Big Brother 21 finale on CBS. When we last left our houseguests, Nicole won the HOH and Michie and Holly were put on the block. However, the latter can change, depending on who wins the POV competition.
Before we get to that, we get a peek at the going ons in the house. Holly whines, Cliff is a little too confident that he is safe and now Holly and Michie want him gone, deal or no deal.
Luxury competition. There were changes made in the house and the one who spots them all (or the closest amount) wins $10,000. There are eighteen, but Michie guesses seventeen and wins.
Veto competition! They all compete in this one. Players will make statements and they have to slingshot to the players it does not apply to and then pick who it does once the slingshotted players disappear. Or something. It is rather confusing….and hilarious because most of them cannot use the slingshot.
Michie wins! Now it is time to see if he keeps the nominations as is or takes himself off the block to put Cliff up and most likely send him to the jury.
Sure enough, Michie is off the block, Cliff is up. Tomorrow we see who will go to the jury on Big Brother 21. Stay tuned.