Monique Coleman: From High School to Helping Others

Originally posted on November 16, 2018 @ 12:50 pm

Monique Coleman rose to fame as ambitious teenager Taylor in the high School Musical trilogy. She went on to work on several other projects, including Dancing With The Stars and The Fourth Door. 

Now Monique is working on a very special project near and dear to her heart. She recently founded the Gimmie Mo Foundation, which helps bring awareness to issues young people face, including sexual assault, homelessness and mental illness.

Her exploration into these issues can be seen each Wednesday on Discovery. In each episode of Gimmie Mo, she talks to families, youth and people who have faced such issues and shows how people are making a difference and how certain issues have impacted their lives. 

Monique is very passionate about her project, calling it ‘her baby.’ Her goal is to bring awareness to these issues and inspire others to try and make a difference themselves. 

Hearing her talk about these issues, both on the show and during our interview made me see what an incredibly amazing woman she has become. Seeing her huge heart and drive to help others inspired me to become a better person, and I know she will inspire others to do the same. She is the type of person that is a role model and one I would be proud to have my future daughters and nieces look up to.

Thank you, Monique for reminding us that there is good in this world.

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